Tomorrow is the day the state Division of Elections will count the majority of early and absentee votes. It's astonishing that so many Alaskans (more than 90,000) voted early or absentee this year. Homer shattered the record for early voting, as did most other communities statewide.
The big question on most Alaskans' minds tomorrow will be whether or not Mark Begich ends up with a lead over Stevens when the counting is done. With a relatively slim lead of 3,353 votes, the Stevens camp is likely nervous right about now. Although it remains to be seen whether they will outperform the Republicans in turning out early voters, one thing is for sure - the state Democratic Party put on the full court press this year attempting to get their people to vote early. I am not, and have never been, a registered Democrat but I got at least a dozen snazzy, full-color (and expensive) mailers from the ADP throughout the campaign season, imploring me to vote early. We'll see if the effort payed off.
One question floating around the newsroom today was this: is it even remotely possible for Ethan Berkowitz, who is down by a seemingly insurmountable 8-point margin to Don Young, to make up the difference with early/absentee votes?
Shannyn Moore has a good post on the subject here, describing the scene today of various campaign operatives fretting over the vote-counting.
"It feels like 2000 Bush-Gore around here," she says.
More tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a link to the division's official count.
How's your achilles healing up?
Good to read your blog. Saved on Favs.
Much better, thank you. I still can't run very fast, but that's OK ... I haven't had occasion to be chased by the cops lately.
Thanks for reading.
2019.11.30知名酒店經紀公司數據統計調查顯示,有39.6%酒店上班族認為本身工時過長。但也有52.4%大學生酒店打工認為工時剛好,滿意目前酒店兼差工作狀態。而調查對象中的制服店、便服店、禮服店、鋼琴酒吧、日式酒店、飯局、傳播等八大行業工作人員每天平均工時落在8.7小時,與目前酒店經紀規定的每周工作總時數不得超過49小時相去不遠。知名酒店經紀指出,有29.2%酒店兼職受訪者每個月「不用加班」,另有61.8%則每個月都要加班,而平均加班時數為20.6小時。又從「坐檯陪酒或色情之伴遊、伴唱、伴舞、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化等行為」交叉分析可以發現,擔任「酒店小姐」最難為,加班的頻率及時數,高居之冠,成為最辛苦的職場族群。
2020.05.28酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容受到新冠肺炎疫情衝擊,全國舞廳酒店停業。不過我在酒店上班的日子,台北市商業處今(27)日宣布,截至26日止,共計受理53家業者申請復業,其中46家已核准。台北市商業處傍晚發新聞稿表示不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因,復業之酒店、舞廳需在營業場所設置單一入口,並使用北市府提供的防疫實名制APP,要求入內消費者須提供身分證、居留證正本供掃碼,或以健保卡、駕照拍照後,手動鍵入基本資料,上傳至市府的酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金雲端硬碟,未攜帶證件者則不得進入。商業處酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?指出,復業後警方會不定時巡邏稽查APP實名制落實職場須知 【酒店PT 】情況,違規業者由衛生局依「傳染病防治法」等條款,處新台幣3,000元以上、1萬5,000元以下罰緩,且可按次處罰,違規超過3次者可命令停業1個月。最後,商業處強調,業者要確實遵守北市府的防疫措施,由工作人員為消費者量額溫、手部噴酒精,同時要求工作人員在公共區域也需要戴口罩、勤洗手及早晚量額溫,特別注意環境清潔,以落實防疫規範並盡到管理責任。便服店: #王牌酒店 #香閣里拉酒店 #麗園酒店 #龍亨酒店 #香水酒店 #金典酒店 #威晶酒店 #威士登酒店。禮服店: #麗緻忠孝酒店 #麗緻敦南酒店 #維多立亞酒店 #百達妃麗酒店 #萬豪酒店 #金荷酒店 #大富豪酒店 #絕色酒店。制服店:#麗都 #淘寶酒店 #金碧輝煌酒店 #金昌酒店 #金聰酒店 #君悅酒店 #盛世酒店 #奧斯卡酒店 #龍昇酒店 #龍昌酒店 #百富酒店 #台北東區酒店兼職。
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