One of Homer's nicknames, "The End of the Road," would more aptly apply to the Old Believer community of Kachemak Selo. Situated at the head of Kachemak Bay, about 25 miles from Homer on East End Road, the little village is one of the most picturesque places in Alaska. It would probably get a lot more visitors if it wasn't for the final stretch of road leading in: an extremely steep, winding switchback that tests the bravest of drivers.
But the Old Believers there, who originally split from those in Nikolaevsk, seem to prefer it that way. There is still a "Private Property" sign posted on the road leading into the village, although we have been there several times and have never felt unwelcome.
Kachemak Selo has become one of our favorite places in the Homer area. We stayed on the beach just to the east of the village this time (there are vast cattle pastures in the area) and didn't get any photos of the village.
NOTE: The first five of these photos got cropped funny when I uploaded them. I'm still working out some bugs with blogspot getting photos, text and links to format the way I want them to. Bear with me. I'll figure something out.

Kachemak pigeon
So this is what happened to you. I used to really enjoy your radio show. I had to go away for a while and when I came back, you weren't there! I will be checking out your blog now. Great pictures.
Thanks ... this blog will be mostly Homer-related stuff, but I'll stick my nose in state politics when I have something to say.
2020.09.06【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】我們認為要入行 必須做出酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?決定 是很難的抉擇。
畢竟一份2萬元的工作 跟20萬的工作 必經之路一定不一樣
當你想得到某些部份(酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?金錢 夢想 減輕經濟壓力)也許會失去某些部份(睡眠 健康 和朋友相聚)但是當面對現實壓力來臨時,酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容還是只有自己能面對解決 有時旁人根本幫不了妳(有的還會說風涼話 落井下石)。
這是妳自己的人生 好壞結果都是自己承擔 若多了解這行生態與全貌 有助於妳做出對自己最佳的選擇。
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